I am Valentina Fermanelli, PhD, Laughter Yoga teacher and tapping practitioner.
Warmly welcome to this blog.
For more than 6 years I have been living in this wonderful Scandinavian country: Sweden, where summers are magic, people are very kind and calm and where there are plenty of opportunities for people who want to develop. I love this country.
I want to give something back to Sweden now and I want to teach people how to be happier with Laughter Yoga!
In this blog I will write articles that will help you to be happier.
I am committed to make it as easy as it can for you to choose happiness and be happy.
The main language of this blog and the content I will be producing is going to be Swedish. I will keep create the content in English as well, but I really need to prioritize Swedish. Laughter Yoga is not so spread here and I believe that I can make this movement even bigger in Sweden.
So I hope that you forgive me for prioritizing Swedish. The posts in English will be there in any case.
If you have a special topic related to happiness that you would like me to write about, do not hesitate to send me an email: valentina@valentinafermanelli.com
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Stay happy and safe,