Hello there! I believe that you crave freedom and want to be the best version of yourself,
but do you know how to deal with negative emotions?
Not accepting negative emotions and wanting to avoid them restricts our freedom.
Let us look at the following example.
What comes to your mind when you look at these pictures?

...a romantic honeymoon in Venice

...swimming with the dolphins

...vibrant days in India
But what if you are terrified of flying?
Maybe you think of...

Maybe you would still appreciate those experiences, but the fear is blocking you.
If you are really committed to visiting Venice or any other places, you might even consider booking 20 different trains, take a ferry or drive 2 days to reach any wanted destination.
A journey that could have been quite smooth has now become very demanding, because of you needing to adjust reality so that your fear of flying is not stimulated.
Cannot relate to the fear of flying?
Other negative emotions limit our freedom as much!
Calling all the people pleasers
People pleasers are afraid to disappoint others or being criticized by others, so they will go out of their way to make others happy.
What they really are doing is to avoid to confront the feeling of being criticized or disappoint others.

What is the price?
People pleasers very often feel frustrated.
In fact they are prioritizing other people's wants and desires at the expenses of their own wants.
They might perceive that they cannot get what they want in life, because they are only focusing on making others happy.
What if...?
What if there was a way in which we can learn to confront our negative emotions so that we accept them and let them go? So that we are not slaves of them anymore?
Imagine the freedom
Accepting fear of flying
One does not need to adjust reality so that one avoids the negative emotion.
Exotic paradises, here we come!

Accepting fear of disappointing others
Now one could finally being assertive and confident, without too many compromises.
Welcome life of your dreams! Goodbye frustrations!

Accepting any negative emotion
No more adjustments needed so that you can avoid negative emotions.
This acceptance gives you the freedom to shape your life exactly as you wish!

There is a way to freedom. It is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or tapping.
Research shows that tapping...

...reduces emotional distress

...reduces stress

...reduces cravings
How does tapping work?
What are negative emotions?
Have you noticed that when you have a negative emotion, you breathe more shallow and you have tension in your body?
A negative emotion is in fact a disruption of the body energy flow.

We calm our emotions down
In tapping, we tap on some acupuncture points, which are the first or the end points of a meridian, where the energy flows.
In this way, we re-equilibrate the energy flow and we feel calmer and more centered.

We process the negative emotion
At the same time, we talk about a negative emotion. Since the tapping has calmed down our body, we are in a more resourceful state.
We can now accept the negative emotion (instead of fighting it) and then we can let it go.
What is it like to tap with me?

"Before the tapping, I was doubtful about the usefulness of the technique, but tapping truly helped me. Working with Valentina helped me clarify my doubts and put my finger on the real issue. Tackling the problem with tapping felt simple and structured. I would recommend tapping with Valentina to a friend who needs to cope with a problem in a constructive manner."

"Thanks to the tapping session with Valentina, I could accept myself and my current situation more. After the session I felt relaxed, happier and determined to schedule walks and exercise, which I had been resisting. Valentina's guidance helped me see things differently, so I would recommend it to a friend"
Katja, nurse

"Even though tapping sounded quite mysterious, I decided to approach it with an open mind. After the session, I felt re-invigorated and I could take on anything. I don't mind anymore about the negative emotion we tapped on. My head felt clearer and I felt good. I would recommend tapping to a friend and ask them to approach it with an open mind."
Mark Hooley, Founder at CollabMaker

"Before the tapping, I was a bit hesitant about opening myself up to this; sometimes discussing negative feelings can be emotionally overwhelming.
After tapping with Valentina I felt a lot more positive and gave me a good roadmap and things that I can work on to feel better.
Tapping is not only about getting rid of the negative emotions, but also embracing them as part of being human, so I highly recommend the tapping sessions to a friend."
Philip Townsend, Mathematician

"I felt amazing, more free and peaceful after tapping with Valentina. Working with her gifted me with an expansion of perspective, beliefs and awareness. Letting go of the negative emotions through the tapping made me feel more aware about my power over my thoughts, actions and choices. I would recommend working with Valentina to a friend because it helped me to shift my perspective and resolve my limiting beliefs. Valentina accompanied me in the journey within in a loving and caring way, I felt supported and accepted all along."
Anni, performance artist

"Before the tapping session with Valentina, I was a bit concerned about being transparent with negative emotions, but I decided to try it out.
During the session, I first felt lots of emotion bubbling up, but at the end of the session I felt more balanced and clear, energized, happier and lighter.
Tapping is a good way to boost your energy, so I would recommend it to a friend."

"Even though I was a bit unsure about what would happen in the tapping session and it felt a bit out of my control, I decided to give it a try.
After the session with Valentina I felt great, filled with lots of energy. Tapping is a great way to reflect, listen to myself and get new insights. I could relate to a problem in a different way and let the negative emotions related to it go.
Tapping with Valentina helped me expressed my feelings and I would recommend it to a friend."